MR5 Activ Pro LaserShower

kr 139000

Varenr 600-500 Kategori

The new MR5 ACTIV PRO LaserShower is the latest addition to the MR5 Series from Multi Radiance Medical.  

With 200W peak super pulsed power and over 500mW mean output power, the MR5 ACTIV PRO LaserShower is the most powerful super pulsed laser yet. 


The new MR5 ACTIV PRO LaserShower is the latest addition to the MR5 Series from Multi Radiance Medical.  

With 200W peak super pulsed power and over 500mW mean output power, the MR5 ACTIV PRO LaserShower is the most powerful super pulsed laser yet. 

Even though MR5 ACTIV PRO LaserShower has a high max effect, and high average effect it is still classified as the safest laser according to IEC 60825-1. 

This means that use does not risk damaging the retina or overheating tissues (all types of skin pigments), due to the super pulsating technology which frees photons in ultra-fast millisecond pulsations penetrating deep into the tissue. 

Higher power also means faster treatment times and the 30cm² emitter aperture allows you to treat large areas quickly, like the low back, spine and legs. The cordless MR5 ACTIV PRO LaserShower has a rechargeable lithium ion battery that lasts up to 8 hours of continuous use for treatment anywhere, anytime, without limitations. 

Clinicians have more treatment options than ever with the MR5 ACTIV PRO LaserShower:

  • Treat with the Standard Multi Radiance Technology settings in the ACTIV PRO Mode.
  • Use preset frequencies and times in the Priority Principle Mode to treat specific conditions.
  • Easily access your most frequently used settings in the Favorites Mode. 




Treatment based on evidence deserve products based on evidence. 

Målet med laser er å levere lys energi til vev som trenger behandling, for å reduserer smerte og/eller øke sirkulasjonen.

The goal when using lasers is to deliver energy from light to tissues needing treatment, to reduce pain and/or increase circulation. 

Super pulsed lasers have a technology which gives optimal delivery of energy by combining  three clinically proven wave lengths  for penetrating tissue (660 nm, 875 nm and  905 nm). This covers almost all the  therapeutic specter of light and creates Cascading Energy Effect. An advanced software algorithm adapts the interaction  between light, laser and magnetic fields  to achieve the desired penetration of tissues. 


MR5 Activ Pro LaserShower. LaserSweep varierer frekvensen for å hindre at vevet tilpasser seg behandlingen.

LaserSweep varies the frequency to stop tissue from adapting to the treatment. The frequency area “sweeps” from the highest to the lowest frequency (within the set points) during treatment. By varying the frequency in each laser pulse, the light will reach different levels in the tissue. 

You can also visit Laser Laser Therapy University for more information.

Or visit WALT (World Assosiation og Laser Therapy) for more relevant information.