MR5 Activ Pro LaserStim

kr 139000

Varenr 600-408 Kategori

MR5 Activ Pro LaserStim is the world’s first and only available FDA registered, cordless, portable system for laser therapy with TARGET and DOSE technology. 

This laser is the next generation in cordless laser therapy, combining laser and electronic stimulation.


MR5 Activ Pro LaserStim is the world’s first and only available FDA registered, cordless, portable system for laser therapy with TARGET and DOSE technology. 

This laser is the next generation in cordless laser therapy, combining laser and electronic stimulation.

With 50 W of peak Super Pulsed Laser power, the ACTIV PRO LaserStim provides more power and faster treatment times, making it the safest high-powered laser on the market. An increase in power can shorten treatment times and provide temporary relief of acute and chronic pain, reduce stiffness and muscle spasms, and increase microcirculation. 

Unlike lasers Class IV lasers with high intensity, MR5 Active Pro increases the intensity without the unwanted photothermal effect. This will stop production of too many reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can cause photocytotoxicity and apoptosis. 

Laser, same as ultrasound, can have a stimulating effect in lower doses, but in higher doses the effect turns destructive. Synchronized use of high-intensity super pulsed laser and ultrasharp infrared, red and blue LEDs will optimize the biological effects within the overall phototherapeutic window. 



Treatment based on evidence deserve products based on evidence. 

Målet med laser er å levere lys energi til vev som trenger behandling, for å reduserer smerte og/eller øke sirkulasjonen.

The goal when using lasers is to deliver energy from light to tissues needing treatment, to reduce pain and/or increase circulation. 

Super pulsed lasers have a technology which gives optimal delivery of energy by combining three clinically proven wave lengths for penetrating tissue (660 nm, 875 nm and 905 nm). This covers almost all the therapeutic specter of light and creates Cascading Energy Effect. An advanced software algorithm adapts the interaction between light, laser and magnetic fields to achieve the wanted penetration of tissues. 




En avansert programvarealgoritme tilpasser vekselvirkningen mellom lys, laser og magnetiske felt slik at ønsket penetrering i vevet oppnås.

MR5 Active Pro LaserStim. LaserStim leverer elektriske impulser og lys gjennom hud og vev, ved hjelp av TARGET teknologi.

LaserStim delivers electrical impulses and light through skin and tissue, using TARGET technology (Treatment Area Recognition and Guidance Enhanced Technology). 

LasetStim quickly identifies areas needing treatment and automatically gives the right dose of the super pulsed laser. 



MR5 Active Pro LaserStim. LaserSweep varierer frekvensen for å hindre at vevet tilpasser seg behandlingen.

Når flere bølgelengder kombineres, er det en 100% økning i tilgjengelig lys under huden og bekrefter tilstedeværelsen av synkroniseringen av bølgelengder som kalles Triple Cascade Effect (validert i Pillars Paper™)

LaserSweep varies the frequency to stop tissue from adapting to the treatment. The frequency area “sweeps” from the highest to the lowest frequency (within the set points) during treatment. By varying the frequency in each laser pulse, the light will reach different levels in the tissue. 

You can visit Laser Laser Therapy University for relevant information,

Or you can visit WALT (World Assosiation og Laser Therapy) for more relevant information.

Additional information

Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 50 × 45 × 15 cm